We at NORTHWEST SHELTER SYSTEMS take pride in providing, what we and our long list of clients consider to be the best gun vaults in the world. Our gun vault rooms are custom designed to accommodate any size or space requirements. The gun vault rooms are fireproof, explosion proof as well as being earthquake resistant. We use a proprietary combination of concrete and steel for our vault rooms. Our design engineers will assist you in your planning.
The best, gun vault rooms are the ones that can be completely hidden while offering absolute gun safety and security.
Our hidden gun vault rooms are a strategic way to not only store and organize your weapons, but to also keep them safe and secure.
Would your guns be safe while you’re not home?
Gun Vault Rooms
There are many different reasons you leave home, visiting your family, vacation, working out of town, a wedding, heaven forbid a funeral, or maybe you just ran to the store, the possibilities are endless of why your home is left to unforeseen circumstances. For all the reason there is for you to be gone, there are just as many possibilities of what can happen while you are away. What about a wild fire, if one was blazing through your area and you had to evacuate, would your guns be there when you got back? Are your guns protected from burglars? There is no need for hiding guns under your bed, in your closet or even in safes that can be destroyed or unbelievably pack off by some burglars. Even being home when an intruder makes entry, now you’re digging under your bed or trying to unlock a safe with hard to reach access.
Don’t put yourself in any of those scenarios’. Display your rifles, pistols, ammo, and accessories like you would in a trophy room. Easy access for you and because the vault is hidden, completely missed by a burglar.
At Northwest Shelter Systems we are available to answer your questions.
Here are a few common questions and answers can vary depending on what you actually want.
Common Questions:
- How thick should the walls be on your gun vault room?
- Concrete block versus poured concrete walls, does it make a difference?
- Do I need to make sure my hidden gun vault room has air ducts, yes or no?
- Will I have moisture problems and what do I expect?
- What kind of locking system should I use?
Design Questions:
- Is there anything special I need to know to design a gun vault room?
- What size room do I need for say 25 rifles and 8 pistols?
- How do I concrete the ceiling?
- Can I use a secure wood framed wall due to my budget?
- Is it okay to build it outside like in a room beneath a porch or patio?
- What about steel versus steel and plywood? Is there really a difference?
- What kind of door, does it need to be blast resistant door? Can it swing in instead of out?
Installation Questions:
- We build gun vault rooms nationwide. We can answer any of your questions, we can build it for you and or we call deliver you a variety of doors, from standard to custom, gun vault doors, blast doors, vault blast doors and even blast hatches.
Please feel free to call Northwest Shelter Systems with any questions that you may have. We want you to feel secure making your decision with us. We guarantee your satisfaction and will make you a hidden gun vault safe or deliver you a gun vault door that provides you with the highest security you will need.
Hidden Gun Vaults, Protect your Guns so you can Protect You!
Firearms are an essential part of maintaining our Liberty, as well as a critical asset to protecting yourself and your family.
Having one of our Hidden Gun Vaults will protect the guns that you have to protect you!
The risk of both man-made and natural disasters is constantly there. Also the issues over your Second Amendment Right. Both of these are a threat that could take away your firearms and possibly leave you and your family unprotected.
In the news almost daily something being said about an overreaching Government wanting to “disarm you for your own protection.” But realistically the possibility of losing your firearms will be through theft or neglect. Don’t take that risk, call us today and let us help you protect yourself.
At Northwest Shelter Systems, we take pride in manufacturing our own Vault Blast Doors right here in the USA. We have the experience to help you design your own custom gun vault room and install your custom gun vault door in your home or your shelter. In addition we have several standard sizes also available. We want your experience of purchasing a gun vault safe room or just the gun vault door with us to be as easy as American apple pie. We accommodate both residential and commercial gun vault safe rooms and gun vault door customers.
Please contact us by phone or by filling out a contact form for any questions you may have in the purchase or design of a gun vault room.
Call Northwest Shelter Systems now! (844)NBC-DOOR (844) 622-3667